I have been saying for a while now that if Trump loses the election, he will flee the country. Mainly to avoid further prosecution and the possibility of incarceration.

So, much to my surprise in his so-called interview with Elon Musk, Trump said the following,

“If something happens with this election, which would be a horror show, we’ll meet the next time in Venezuela, because it’ll be a far safer place to meet than our country. So, you and I will go and we’ll have a meeting and dinner in Venezuela.”

There you have it. He is thinking about leaving the country. The question I still have is will he wait until the election before he leaves? Trump seems to be losing his focus and his ramblings are getting worse. His mobility also seems to be problematic.

There are murmurings across the internet that Republicans from his base and campaign are seeing the writing on the wall, and may well be planning a coup to kick Trump off the ticket and put in a ringer. Who might that be? Improbable to know. However, knowing that they have lost the presidency, they will concentrate on trying to salvage support in the House and Senate.

There is a part of me that feels sorry for this guy. Obviously, he has no one around him to tell him the truth that he is not in a TV reality show.

In truth, via the perspective of the Universe and its intention, the Universe gave us a gift in Trump. A gift you say? Surely you jest! Don’t call me “Shirley” and listen up:

Prior to 2016, Americans were complaining about how bad things had become even though Obama had done a masterful job under the circumstances. This guy named Trump saw his opportunity to play out the notion of how bad things had become and wins the Republican nomination for President. He was telling people that he would make America great again.

Of course, his idea of “great again” meant going back to sometime when things were considered good, Reagan times most likely. However, more importantly, he was the only one who could fix it and if the people made him King, I mean, President, people would get tired of everything being good all the time. Yes, good all the time. We know that never happened, and he literally tried to abandon the Constitution and ratify himself as President by saying that the election was stolen fraudulently.

I believe that the Universe then said, because of the disillusionment of the masses, “so you think things are bad, let me show you what bad is,” and hence, the Universe allowed Trump to be President for four years, but only four years.

Trump’s Presidency was, on the one hand, to show what a maniacal, self-absorbed buffoon Trump is. On the other hand, I believe that Trump was a gift from the Universe to show us what a unique experiment in big D democracy we have had and what it is going to take to save it from the fascists and those wanting a dictator. It seems that most of those people who want to replace our democracy have the dic[k] part down and are still working on the “tator” part.

Trump’s rise to power is not unlike Hitler’s rise in Germany after World War I. Germany was decimated by World War I, and no one came to her aid to help her rebuild. Germany was ripe for a charismatic leader.

Tim Wu, law professor at Columbia University, says that Republics often struggle during hard times and historically, out of the ashes a national leader will appear. This leader will blame everything on the immigrants and foreigners, promising to restore greatness to the country if they elect him president, king or dictator.

Wu continues, because of the nature and strength of our Constitution, checks and balances should keep the Republic intact. Who would have thought that someone like Trump could make such a mockery of the Constitution and our rule of law? (Politico Magazine, November 11, 2020)

Nicholas Carr, freelance writer on technology, economics and culture, writes in the same Politico issue that “…the rise of social media platforms allows false news to spread faster and farther than the truth. This has allowed propaganda and ‘alternate facts’ to be crowdsourced.”

You add this all up and you come up with a Donald Trump who wants to be elected President so he can become a dictator like his close friends, Putin and Kim. More importantly, he needs to be elected President so he can avoid prison. If he loses, he will try to flee the country.

So, what have we learned from master teacher, DJ Trump?

1. He has shown us that our Constitution can be easily manipulated. What was true in the 18th century is not so in the 21st century, and the consequences of morality, ethics, and precedent can be ignored. My sister, Robin Pelton, made an interesting comment, “Trump has stretched our thinking in many ways–far beyond what our forefathers ever imagined possible. Therefore, we must never underestimate the capacity for people like Trump to stretch the limits in all respects of our society and must strengthen our fundamental rules of law and reinforce – through practice – the tenet that NO man (or woman) is above the law.”

2. He has exposed the truth about our nation that we are still a racist, misogynistic and bigoted country. If you just take the MAGA base that would be somewhere in the 40 percentiles. There is still much work to be done on “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”

3. And, probably most important, Trump gave us Harris and Walz. Because the poll numbers were not working out for a Democratic win, Joe Biden put country over self and ended his campaign. He immediately passed the torch to Kamala Harris, stating it was time for a new generation of leadership. Harris picked an unknown governor from Minnesota as her VP, and the rest as we say, is history!

4. Apparently, the Harris-Walz campaign has been so energized and successful, some Republicans are jumping ship – not to vote for a democrat, but to vote for Democracy. It seems that Trump has finally convinced them that you can’t maintain a democracy with a king.

There you have it. I predict a major win for the Democrats, across the board. And yes, we can say Thank You to Donald Trump for showing us that alternate facts and down-right lies do not “trump” truth.

God Bless the USA!