The Scene:
It is January 31, 2025, when Trump has just had a major stroke and has crossed over. He is sitting in the waiting room (purgatory) waiting to be called to go before God. Sitting across the room is Jimmy Carter. Donald recognizes him immediately:
T: OMG! What are you doing here, Jimmy?
C: Apparently, I have had some errant thoughts, and the Big Guy has called me back to talk about them.
T: Really? Just errant thoughts? That seems hardly fair. How long have you been here?
C: I don’t know. Time is of no consequence here. It could have been 5 minutes or five years. God’s time is one day as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
T: Oh. Really? What kind of a supreme being would make that a universal law?
C: One of the mysteries of God, I guess.
T: No, wait, without time you have no way of knowing if you have succeeded or not. Well, actually, I always succeed so what the hey, it really doesn’t matter.
C: I guess you will have to take that up with God.
T: Damn right I will.
(At that moment, a chime rings and the door to God’s throne opens with a voice saying, “Donald J. Trump, you are summoned before the throne.”)
(Trump walks in, looks around and thinks Mar-a-logo was much nicer than this. He looks for God as there are no visible bodies anywhere. Seems as though the voice is coming from the throne.)
T: Okay, God, let’s get on with it. I don’t see any visible bodies. How do I know that you are real, and this is not just one big set up by the evil Dems?
G: I see, you need some proof that is physical and visible. Okay, how’s this? (At that moment and apparition-like image in the personage of Joe Biden appears on the throne.)
T: (Trump jumps back exclaiming…) You’ve got to be kidding! No way, I was a much better person than Joe Biden, and a ten times better president.
G: It’s only an image that will give you some context, not a judgement…yet (under his breath).
T: Why am I here? Why don’t I get a free pass to Heav’n? All I have done for mankind. How I allowed some blacks and Muslims to become wealthy, what I’ve done for women’s rights, and, oh, the immigrants, we love the immigrants.
G: First of all, Don, can I call you Don?
T: I would prefer Donald Trump, if you please.
G: Then Don it is! So, it would be my understanding that you believe you have made a significant contribution to humanity and world politics?
T: Well of course, just look at my record…if that doesn’t impress you then nothing will, will it?
G: I am familiar with your record, and I do have to say, you have served your universal purpose with distinction. Of all the chaos agents we have sent to the USA, you have played the role better than anyone else so far. You have taught the American people that money and power can buy justice, regardless of the crime. Congratulations on that.
T: Now you’re talkin’. Does that get me a free pass now?
G: Don, nobody gets a free pass to heaven. Did you notice Jimmy Carter in the waiting room? He doesn’t get a free pass. However, he has done the work you have yet to do. Maybe another hundred lifetimes for you.
T: But you said I did a fantastic job as a chaos agent. No points for that?
G: Sorry Don, we don’t grade on points or the curve. Carter worked faithfully and diligently on the Big 3: Love, Compassion, and Truth. You have done everything to hinder all three of those ideals.
T: So, what did you expect? You said I was a chaos agent, and a very good one!
G: Interestingly Don, that is true. How does it feel to say something that is true?
T: That’s funny! Truth is my middle name!
G: I thought it was John.
T: HA, HA, you know what I mean. Truth is relative to the person speaking it. So, whatever I say is true. There is no “if and or buts” about it. My words are my truth.
G: Yes, Don, in some ways you are the “way, truth and the life” but in this lifetime that you have served, your truth, and the way you have lived life had nothing do with the universal truth of the Big 3. Your truth was built on FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). But, again, that was your job as chaos agent, which as you say, you did well.
T: Okay then, so you say I have done a good job. Let’s talk about how I get into that eternal resting place. What do I have to do to move into one of those big mansions Jesus talked about?
G: Sorry Don, there is no negotiation. That’s why they call me God.
T: Excuse me your Mightyness, but that is really not true, is it?
G: What do you mean? Of course it’s true!
T: I had a pastor once tell me about Sodom and Gomorrah in chapter 19 of Genesis, and it tells about how Abraham negotiated with you to spare the righteous, if there would be any. As I remember the story, if Abraham found 50 righteous souls, you would not destroy the city. Seems to me that he negotiated you down to ten. Of course, he didn’t find any, but the point of the story is how you negotiated with Abraham. So you are a God that negotiates. Let’s get on with it. What do I need to do to get into heaven?
G: Your response is well reasoned but all I can say to you is that that was then, this is now. Now is all that counts. You certainly did your part to create chaos and fear in the American people. My hope was that the people would see the error of your ways and the Big 3 (Truth, Love, and Compassion) would find its way into the hearts of the people and live as Jimmy Carter lived, a person of Truth, Love, and Compassion. I was kind of hoping that it would also get a hold of you, and you would see the light of that Truth. However, you were able to convince one half of the American people that your truth of fear was viable and you stood committed to chaos.
T: Well, thanks. If you had allowed me to have a second consecutive term, I’m sure that I would have increased that number.
G: Contrary to popular belief, Don, I’m sure that you would have destroyed the Democracy of America had that been allowed to happen.
T: Well, everyone knows that I won in 2020. Enough about that, what can I do to get into heaven? There has got to be something. How much would it cost? I’m sure my friends would pay the ransom. Surely you must have a back door for people who are in the land of Nod, so to speak.
G: Sorry, there is no back door. Your money is worthless here. There is no such thing as ransom, and no, you did not win the 2020 election. I need you to go someplace in the universe that allows you to think about this last lifetime and see if you can find your way to the Big 3.
D: Well, I don’t particularly care about the Big 3 or where it might be as long as there are women and people who like to be bullied.
G: Unfortunately for you Don, there will be women, but they will be doing the bulling if any is to be had. I think I have the perfect place for you. I will be sending you to The ELON Star System (Each Life Originates Naturally) on the planet Tru-torium, where you will begin another life-time of learning. Interestingly, on the planet Tru-torium, you can only tell the truth. All lies, white or otherwise, are recognized immediately and corrected on sight. You will learn a new skill regarding what Divine Truth and Universal truths are. This planet is ruled by each individual’s potential to live out the Big 3. Liars are easily discovered and often sent to the planet STUPIDO IAM for soul realignment.
T: (Trump thinks to himself, hmmmm, maybe I could make a deal with the devil…he’s always wanted to partner with me.)
G: God understands his thoughts and smiles a bit, shaking his head knowing that the reality of the devil exists only in Trump’s mind. God then pushes the button to SEND. There is a swishing sound, and Trump is no-where to be found.
G: God yells out, “Come on in Jimmy, this won’t take long…”
The End.